Our Practice

Established in 1989 by Dr. Ampili Abraham, A.G.A. Family Dentistry opened with the purpose of serving the community, supporting local families, and caring for patients as individuals. In 2009, Dr. Abraham’s daughter, Dr. Priya Abraham joined the practice, and together they work to transform lives through excellent oral care. 

We are located at 1008 Ingleside Avenue in Catonsville, MD, between Route 40 and Johnnycake Rd., in front of the Crown gas station. 

If you would like to make an appointment or have any questions, please call (410) 747-3163 or email us at thesmilefamily@gmail.com.

Ampili Abraham, DDS & Priya Abraham, DDS

Both doctors love to serve the community. Dr. Ampili Abraham has volunteered with organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, and Mission of Mercy. She loves to spend time with her husband, children, and grandchildren. She enjoys being outdoors, has a green thumb and likes to garden. She also tap dances and is active in her church. Dr. Priya Abraham enjoys time with her husband and three children, they like to go on adventures, traveling, and trying new foods. She is active in her church. She has also lead mission trips to different parts of the world that do not have access to dental care.